Thank you for stopping by Intuitive Healing Arts . . .

Hi there. Welcome to Intuitive Healing Arts. You will find information here about myself, my services, what I find of interest and importance, and lots of informative and thought provoking material.

To get you started in the general sense, I work with natural health and healing modalities, and do freelance writing.

To be more specific, I am a certified reiki practitioner, ordained interfaith minister, and do angel work.

To be even more precise :) I offer reiki sessions, spiritual counseling sessions, and intuitive angel guided readings. I also do freelance writing work usually centered on topics in my areas of expertise. Especially: spirituality, natural healing, wellness, holistic health, and psych-spiritual connections.

I mostly intend to use this blog/website to discuss ideas, offer lots of helpful information to my readers, and bring light and inspiration forth on the pages here every day. Or every post! :)

I appreciate your comments, feedback, sharing, etc. Keeping in mind this is a positive place of respect.

I may also from time to time remind of my services, that you are always welcome to seek out at anytime whether or not I focus on them much, they are always offered. I have a list below of what I currently offer (services, prices, and locations are listed at the bottom of the webpage). If you would like more specific information on what I offer, I am happy to provide that. Please contact me at anytime with any questions.

Also, feel free to contact me with questions/thoughts in general, not concerning services, but just so we can share ideas and inspiration.

Once again, thanks for stopping in . . .

Yours in light and service, Therese.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.


Just an update to thank everyone for bearing with me as I have moved yet again. Twice in under one year can be a lot of upheaval, and constant newness to adjust to! An exercise in adaptability I suppose. Luckily, I am really pleased with my "new and improved" location. I am now living and working in Brattleboro, Vermont. I look forward to settling in here more, and god willing staying put here at least for awhile longer this time! :) Anyway, my phone and email contact info remains the same so you can still reach me there. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday season, and I look forward to sharing more with you here, now that some of the chaos of moving around has begun to die down.

Oh, and you can find some inspirational writings at my twitter page on a regular basis. Most of it has been written by others (for the moment), and re-shared by me! :) But have a look if you need a lift. There a lot to mull over and brighten your spirit. You can find my account at:!/teeseanne

Love and light,

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